Upgrade to Boingo Unlimited today and enjoy unlimited Wi-Fi
connections throughout North and South America for just $9.95 USD per month. Simply fill out the fields below and we'll update your account information, pronto. Please note: Your current Boingo username and password will not change. Easy! |
By submitting your information, you are opting in to Boingo Unlimited and acknowledge that your credit card will automatically be billed $9.95 per month. The upgrade to Boingo Unlimited will occur within 3 business days. Please note THIS IS A RECURRING MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION, but you are free to cancel anytime. Wi-Fi connections made outside the Americas are subject to additional premium fees. Use of Boingo software and services is governed by the Boingo Customer Agreement, viewable at: https://c01.client.boingo.com/shared/legal/Boingo_Global_EULA_CA_wAUP.htm. By signing up as a Boingo customer, you agree to the terms of such Customer Agreement. If you do not agree to abide by these terms, please do not proceed with sign up. To view available Boingo locations, please visit: http://www.boingo.com/search.html. Customer Service is available 24/7/365 at 1-800-880-4117 or support@boingo.com